Kamis, 23 April 2015


Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Determiners is the position of word in front of nomina (nouns) to function as noun markers to explain mean of kata benda kata.

Example :

Guitar if you add determiners those, those guitar, we will know the guitar means.
This is some about determiners :
1. Possessives
Example : your, her, my, his, their, our, its, my parents', whose, dll.
1. His pants is in the room
2. My parents' is at my grandmother's house since morning

2. Quantifier
Example : A few, much, many, a little, some, any, every, each, dll.
1. Every student needs study hard
2. Some noodle is produced from Japan.

3. Artikel (a, an, dan the)
1. Eating an banana every day is good for our health
2. The good news is a cooking book still available at the book store

4. Ordinal number/bilangan bertingkat : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, dll.
1. My first sister will go to Singapore next month
2. I will go to the sixth floor

5. Demonstrative (this, that, these, those, etc)
1. This chair used by my friend
2. These view in Tangkuban Perahu mount is very beautiful

6. Number/angka: one, two, three, dll.
1. Two toys has been bought by my father
2. Five books had bought last night by mother

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