Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Misspelling Words)


Name : Cahya Drajat
NPM  : 21212541
Class  : 3EB02
Subject: Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Yang benar adalah  "Check"

Yang benar adalah "Fly Over"

Yang benar adalah "Service"

Yang benar adalah "Standard"

Yang benar adalah "Construction"

Kamis, 30 April 2015

Question Tag

Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Question Tag
Question Tag is used to conversation English as statement from audience about something not sure the person or request agreement from audience with additing short question in last sentence.
Example :
1. She is a Girlband, isn’t she ?
2. They can do the national examination, can”t they ?
3. He is a guitarist of Mahadewa, isn’t he ?
Word/Not in this sentences is called Tag Questions. Tag Question is form with used auxiliaty (is,an,are,do,does,did,have,has,can,may,must,shall,will,were,was and others) and next arrange it with pronoun (They,we,I,you,she,he,it).
1. Making Question Tag
1. Jika pernyataan positif, tagnya negative atau sebaliknya
2. Subject dalam tag questions harus pronoun (Kata ganti)
3. Kata bantu (auxiliary verb) harus diulang dalam tag
4. Jika tidak mengandung auxiliary verb, used : do,does or did.
Example :
1. She has a new dress, doesn’t she ?
2. They like dangdut music, don’t you ?
A. The sentences with to be (am,is,are,was,were)
Example :
1. She is a nurse, isn’t she ?
2. He was late to come my birthday party, wasn’t he ?
B. The sentences with verb. Tag question is form with do,does,did with tense, from that sentences.
Example :
1. Last morning you spent the morning at the Gelora Bung Karno, didn’t you ?
2. Last morning you didn’t spent the morning at Gelora Bung Karno, did you ?
C. The sentences with auxiliaries (Can,may,must,will,should,would,here,had,etc). Tag Question is form with repeat that auxiliaries.
Example :
1. They must study English, musn’t they ?
2. She must not study English, must she ?
D. For Idiomatic expression used to, Tag questionnya is form with did and auxiliary have to/has to is form with do, does.
Example :
1. I have to study Japanese, don’t I ?
2. She doesn’t have to study Japanese, does she ?
E. For imperative sentences, Tag question is form with use will you and shall we.
Example :
1. Let her have a comic, will you ?
2. Let’s go for a walk, shall we ?
Exception :

1. - I am handsome, am I not ? (Formal)
    - I am handsome, aren’t I ? (Informal pada percakapan)
2. - I think, they will come here, won’t they ?  bukan : don’t I?
    - You believe, he sent me a letter, didn’t he ? bukan : don’t you ?
3. There is a some positive sentences as negative sentences, if using words :
·         Never             : Tidak pernah
·         Seldom           : Jarang
·         Rarely             : Jarang
·         Hardly            : Hampir tidak
·         Few/Little      : Sedikit ( Bukan a few/a little )
·         Impossible      : Tidak mungkin
·         Dislike            : Tidak suka
·         Incorrect         : Tidak benar
Example :
1. The children can hardly do it, do they ?
2. He never come here, does he ?
2. The answer for Tag Question
A. If you hope the postif answer or yes, we use positive sentences
Example :
1. They are happy, aren’t you ? Yes,I’m.
2. She likes this colour, doesn’t she ? Yes She does.
B. If you hope negative answer or no, we use negative sentences.
Example :
1. We didn’t go there, did you ? No, I didn’t
2. He is not a musician, is he ?. No, he isn’t.

Source :

2. http://cepatbisainggris.com/2014/01/31/pengertian-rumus-dan-contoh

Causative Have/Get

Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Causative Have/Get
Causative have and get in english is used to give the request someone to do something. Have and Get is known as konstituent word in verb. It means mempunyai dan memperoleh. Have and Get too used in daily conversation by coach for past tense and something to understand with the example :
1. We Have Done Already from my task
2.  We don’t get it about the examination of accounting
The form of Causative have and get :
1. Subject Have Active Object Infinitive without to
Subject + have/has + Object (Someone) + Infinitive 
Example :
1. She has me open the door at bedroom
2. They have his take the basketball in sport room
3. Do you have his clean your room ?
2. Subject Have Passive Object Past Participle (by)
Subject + Had / Has + Object (things) + Past participle
Example :
1. She has the door opened at bedroom
2. We had the basketball took in sport room
3. Do you have your room cleaned ?

Next, This is about Get :
1. Subject + Get/Gets + Object (someone) + To + Infinitive

Example :
·         She gets me to bring the food for her sister
·         We get Arden for take the guitar at bedroom
·         Did they get us to go there ?
2. Subject + Got + Object (things) + Past Participle

Example :
·         She got the book opened at the work table
·         They gets the coffe made
·         Did they have your handphone took ?
This is the last of my explanation about Causative have and Get. I’m so sorry if there any mistake. I hope this explanation give you knowledge about causative have. Thanks for your Attention J.
Source :
2. http://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/englishstudy/bahasa-inggris/pengertian-causative-verbs.aspx

Kamis, 23 April 2015


Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Determiners is the position of word in front of nomina (nouns) to function as noun markers to explain mean of kata benda kata.

Example :

Guitar if you add determiners those, those guitar, we will know the guitar means.
This is some about determiners :
1. Possessives
Example : your, her, my, his, their, our, its, my parents', whose, dll.
1. His pants is in the room
2. My parents' is at my grandmother's house since morning

2. Quantifier
Example : A few, much, many, a little, some, any, every, each, dll.
1. Every student needs study hard
2. Some noodle is produced from Japan.

3. Artikel (a, an, dan the)
1. Eating an banana every day is good for our health
2. The good news is a cooking book still available at the book store

4. Ordinal number/bilangan bertingkat : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, dll.
1. My first sister will go to Singapore next month
2. I will go to the sixth floor

5. Demonstrative (this, that, these, those, etc)
1. This chair used by my friend
2. These view in Tangkuban Perahu mount is very beautiful

6. Number/angka: one, two, three, dll.
1. Two toys has been bought by my father
2. Five books had bought last night by mother

Reflexive Pronouns

Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM     : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Reflexive Pronouns (Kata Ganti Mandiri)

reflexive pronoun is a pronoun that is preceded or followed by the noun, adjective, adverb or pronoun to which it refers (its antecedent) within the same clause.

We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in "-self" (singular) or "-selves" (plural).

There are eight reflexive pronouns:
Singular : myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
Plural     : ourselves, yourselves, themselves


A. Emphatic Use ( Sebagai Penegasan Diri )
Untuk pola ini reflextive langsung mengikuti subjek. 

Example :
·         I myself bring the newspaper
·         The Students themselves can do National Exam well

B. Reflextive Use ( Mengenai diri sendiri )
Untuk pola ini, reflextive terletak sesudah objek. 

Example :
·         He Cooked himself with a spoon
·         We told Mr. Drajat himself about the achievement

C. By … Self … = Alone ( Sendirian )
Reflextive digunakan bersama kata by dengan arti alone ( Sendiri )

Example :
·         She goes alone to park by bicycle
·         My Sister doesn’t like to study by herself

D. Sebagai objek kata kerja
Untuk pola ini, reflextive terletak sesudah kata kerja.

Example :
·         It is time I bought myself a new drum
·         You should depend on yourself rather than on others

Source :
1. http://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/englishstudy/reflexive-pronoun-dalam-bahasa-inggris.aspx
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflexive_pronoun
3. https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/pronouns-reflexive.htm

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Tugas 3 )

Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Active and Passive Sentences

1. Active Sentences

Active voice (active voice) is the subject of his sentence which does the jobon the contrarythe passive voice (passive voice) is the subject of his sentence in which the subject of work by the object of the sentence. Active voice is more commonly used in daily life comparedwith the passive voiceHoweverwe often find the passive voice in newspapersarticles inmagazines and scholarly writingsPassive voice is used as the object of the active voice is more important information than its subject.

2. Passive Sentences

Passive sentence is a sentence that is the subject subjected to the work or subject to the act. If we want to make passive sentences in the simple present tense, we require is, am, are.Here is the formula to make passive sentences in the simple present tense.

• Positive         : Subject + is / am / are + past participle / V3• Negative       : Subject + is / am / are + Not + Past Participle• Question       : is / am / are + Subject + Past Participle

Characteristic features:
• The subject as a patient.• The meaning of the verb prefix in-, most, or, ter-right.• The passive voice in English always wear verb 3rd / past participle.



Active: He brings the book. 
Passive: The book is brought by him.

Active: Sule is cleaning the floor
Passive: The floor is being cleaned by Sule


Active: Andre was cooking the noodle. 
Passive: The noodle was being cooked by Andre. 

Active: The man had watched The Minnions. 
Passive: The Minnions had been watched by the man. 


Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 ( Tugas 1 dan 2 )

Name   : Cahya Drajat
NPM    : 21212541
Class    : 3EB02
Subject : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


1. Some and Any

a. Some

1. Some are used in a positive sentence. Some can be used for countable and uncountable nouns objects. Some are not used in negative sentences or questions.


  • I have some friends.
  • We bought some tea.
  • There are some bananas on the table.
  • My brothers buy some tables.
2. Keep in mind that, if we use some for objects that can be calculated (countable nouns), then the object must be plural / plural.

True      : They have some comic books.
False     : They have some comic book.
True      : Sherlock and I have some pens.
False     : Sherlock and I some pen.

3. If, after some words we put a noun that can not be calculated / uncountable noun, the noun is not added "s / es".

True     : There is some salt in the supermarket.
False    : There is some salts in the supermarket.
True     : I need some food.
False    : I need some foods.

• Remember, some should not be used in the form of a negative sentence, or the interrogative sentence.
• However, to offer something (offer) and also demand (request), we need to use some words in interrogative sentence.

• Would you like some grapes? (Offer)
• Can I have some coffee? (Request)

b. Any

Any used only in negative sentences and sentence questions / interrogative. In the negative or interrogative sentence is not allowed to wear some, as well as any words should not be placed in the positive. After any, we can put countable or uncountable nouns. If the noun is a noun that can be calculated / countable noun and more than one, then the noun that too must be plural / plural.


Correct            : I do not have any books Accounting.
One                 : I do not have any Accounting book.
Correct            : Does she need any spoons?
False                : Does she need any spoon?

• There is not any bread left
• Do you have any money?
• Is there any sugar?

The different between some and any:
1. In the form of a statement, there is a difference between some and any sense. Some used when something has clearly known, while something is not clear any unknown.

1. Do you have some money? (I feel sure)
2. Do you have any money? (I think you have, but I'm not sure)

 2. Some used the word sentence (Positive), while denying any sentence (Negative)
1. You have many books, you can lend him some
2. We want to buy some flowers
3. Please buy me some stamps at the post office

3. Any can be used in a positive sentence with the understanding no matter who, at any time, and others - others.
1. Anyone in the office can help you
2. I have no any lessons
3. They will visit you at any time.

2. Much and Many

a. Much

1. It is used for objects that can not be calculated (uncountable).
1. Much Water
2. Much Money
3. In the interrogative sentence: How much is the price
4. There is much student
5. There is very much a student
6. There is so much student
7. There is too many student

2. The word Much same interpreted with Plenty of
Example: I have plenty of time

3. Using a great deal to replace much and for uncountable nouns.
Example: There is a great deal of water in the wet season

b. Many

1. It is used for objects that can be calculated (countable)
1. Many Comics
2. Many People
3. How any people attend the morning last night?
4. There are many student
5. There are very many student
6. There are so many student
7. There are Too many student
8. There are many reasons to study hard for that test

3. A lot of and a few

a. A Lot of

This word is used both for countable or uncountable, but only in the positive and negative sentences.
1. How many books do you read?
2. I need a lot of books
3. We do not have a lot of information about it

b. A few

This word is used for objects that can be calculated and the meaning of a few few or little.
1. There are a few books on the table
2. He read a few lines
3. Few people believe it


Article (Article) is a form of the adjective (adjective) showing how specific or how common a word is a noun. There are three types of articles, namely: the, a / an, and who do not have the article (zero article). On this occasion I will discuss about the A, An, and The.

1. A

• In Indonesian interpreted as a, a, a, a grain, a group, something and so forth.
1. A Baseball is round
2. I saw a boy in the street

• The use of the word 'A', namely:
1. There is a book on the table, this means no need to mention the amount
2. A girl is reading the dictionary, this example that the girl was already mentioned earlier

• Used to describe a single object that has a number of consonant sounds at the beginning of the noun.
1. A Book
2. A Red Car
3. A Teacher
4. A Day

• Used in front of nouns that begin with consonants (consonants) and vowel sounds such as consonants (u)
1. A Book
2. A Guitar
3. A Cigarette

• Here are some consonant sounds and must always be preceded by a
1. European Unity
2. House Uniform
3. Home
4. Heavy
5. Universal Eucalyptus
6. Hap
7. Union

2. An

• Used in front, objects that begin with vowels (vocals) and consonant that sounds like vowels, namely (h).
1. An Ant
2. An Umbrella
3. An Hour
4. An Ice
5. An Earphones

• An used to describe the amount of money to have a singular noun / Sound Vocal / at the beginning of syllable objects.
1. An Apple
2. An Orange
3. An Umbrella
4. An Egg

• Some of the vocals and must be preceded by an
1 Hour
2. Uncle
3. Heir
4. Herbs
5. Unnatural
6. Honor

3. The

• Used in noun / Single or Multiple /, can be calculated and can not be calculated.
The Book, The Guitar, The Children, The Parents, The Comic, The Mobile

• Used the word - certain words
1. The object name - only:

The Sun, The Moon, The World.
2. Name Nationality
The Japanese, the British, the Indonesian

3. Name of School / College
The Islamic University, The SMA 2 Serang

4. Name of Hotel
The Ramayana Hotel, The Trans Hotel, The Ambassador Hotel
5. Name Theatre
The Central Theatre
• The (Read: ...)
The Book, The House, The Car, Etc.
• THE (Read: ...)
The Apple, the end, the old man.

Source :