Kamis, 30 April 2015

Causative Have/Get

Name    : Cahya Drajat
NPM      : 21212541
Class     : 3EB02
Subject  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Causative Have/Get
Causative have and get in english is used to give the request someone to do something. Have and Get is known as konstituent word in verb. It means mempunyai dan memperoleh. Have and Get too used in daily conversation by coach for past tense and something to understand with the example :
1. We Have Done Already from my task
2.  We don’t get it about the examination of accounting
The form of Causative have and get :
1. Subject Have Active Object Infinitive without to
Subject + have/has + Object (Someone) + Infinitive 
Example :
1. She has me open the door at bedroom
2. They have his take the basketball in sport room
3. Do you have his clean your room ?
2. Subject Have Passive Object Past Participle (by)
Subject + Had / Has + Object (things) + Past participle
Example :
1. She has the door opened at bedroom
2. We had the basketball took in sport room
3. Do you have your room cleaned ?

Next, This is about Get :
1. Subject + Get/Gets + Object (someone) + To + Infinitive

Example :
·         She gets me to bring the food for her sister
·         We get Arden for take the guitar at bedroom
·         Did they get us to go there ?
2. Subject + Got + Object (things) + Past Participle

Example :
·         She got the book opened at the work table
·         They gets the coffe made
·         Did they have your handphone took ?
This is the last of my explanation about Causative have and Get. I’m so sorry if there any mistake. I hope this explanation give you knowledge about causative have. Thanks for your Attention J.
Source :
2. http://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/englishstudy/bahasa-inggris/pengertian-causative-verbs.aspx

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